WOLF To Enter Studio In November

October 20, 2010

Swedish metallers WOLF will enter Studio Underground in Västerås, Sweden in November with producer Pelle Saether to begin recording the follow-up to their acclaimed 2009 album "Ravenous". Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Fullmoon Possession", "Skullcrusher", "False Preacher" and "Adrenaline Overdrive". The band states, "We feel fired up and ready to deliver a kick-ass heavy metal album to you all in spring 2011. Tour plans for next year are also taking form and we know that we're gonna hit more places than ever before. Festival season is also gonna be a blast as usual!"

In other news, WOLF's "Ravenous" album is featured in the new book "Mera Hårdrock" along with an interview with WOLF guitarist Johannes Axeman about horror and music. The book was written by TV/radio personalities Matthias Lindblad and Melker Becker and is their second book featuring heavy metal.

WOLF was joined on stage at the Dean Guitars DOA UK event on September 25 by SAXON guitarist Doug Scarratt for a performance of two classic songs by SAXON"Princess Of The Night" and "747 (Strangers In The Night)". Fan-filmed video footage of the event can be viewed below.

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